3 Months Flutter Course
About This Course
Now to bridge the gap between industry and IT students, Skill Shikshya is launching a 3 months flutter course.
Flutter course by Skill Shikshya covers Dart, Flutter, Rest APIs, basic and interactive widgets, and projects. This course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to become a proficient Flutter developer. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience in app development, our course meets your learning needs.
Why Flutter?
Flutter is a revolutionary open-source framework developed by Google that enables the creation of natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. This means you can build beautiful, high-performance apps for iOS, Android, and the web simultaneously. With Flutter, you can streamline your development process, reduce time-to-market, and create visually stunning and responsive applications.
Flutter’s standout feature lies in its ability to facilitate cross-platform development. With a single codebase, developers can create applications that run on both iOS and Android platforms. This significantly reduces development time, effort, and costs compared to building separate native applications for each platform.
Flutter provides a rich set of pre-designed widgets that enable developers to create visually appealing and consistent user interfaces. This ensures a uniform look and feel across various devices, enhancing the overall user experience.
Flutter has gained significant share in the industry, with major companies adopting it for their app development needs. Its popularity is reflected in the increasing demand for Flutter developers. Learning Flutter not only equips developers with a versatile skill set but also positions them well in a job market that values efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and cross-platform compatibility.
Benefits of Taking the Flutter Course
- Gain hands-on experience in developing cross-platform applications.
- Acquire skills to create visually appealing and responsive user interfaces.
- Increase your employability with a specialization in Flutter development.
- Receive a certificate of completion to validate your expertise
Course Contents
Dart Programming Language (4 Modules)
- Setting Development Environment for the Dart Development, Dart Command Line and
Commands - Statements and Expressions in Dart, Code Commenting in Dart, Writing and Running the Code
- Introduction to Functions, Enumerated Types in Dart, Loops and Different Loops, While Loop and Do While Loops, While Loop and Do While Loops, Break and Continue Keywords
- Functions Parameters, Optional Parameters in Functions, Default Values for Parameters in Functions
- Private Properties, Getter and Setter, Inheritance, Abstract Class, Interfaces and Implements keyword, Mixins, Extension Methods, Collection Types
- Asynchronous Programming Introduction, Future Type, Callbacks
- Async and Await, Try and Catch, Exception Handling
Introduction to Flutter Development
- What is Flutter?
- Why Flutter?
- Inside Flutter App
Installation and Setup for Flutter Development
- Flutter App Building Prerequisites
- Windows Setup Part –> Install Android Studio >> Install Android Emulator >> Install the Flutter SDK
- Mac Setup Part –> Install Android Studio >> Install Android Emulator >> Install Xcode >> Install IOS Simulator >> Install Flutter SDK >> Configure Android Studio
Flutter Widgets Development – Basic Widget
- Initiating First Flutter Project, Basic Widget – Introduction
- Text, Row, Column, Image Widget
- Container, Grid View, List View,
- Table Widget, Stack Widget, Padding, Form, FormField
Widgets Development- Interactive Widgets
- Different types of Interactive Widgets
- Material App Design, AppBar, Scaffold
- Card, ListTile, Icon, IconButton, Checkbox, Radio, Slider
- InkWell, Floating Action Button, Elevated Button, Dropdown Button
- Stateless Widgets, Stateful Widget
- createState, setState method for States
Flutter Navigation and Routing
- Navigator Introduction
- Navigator 1.0 Introduction, Navigator 2.0 Overview
- Managing State in App
- Direct Navigation, Capturing Gesture, Static Navigation
- Data Passing between Routes, Dynamic Navigation
- Router, Pages, Nested Routers
State Management Basic to Advance
- Stateful Widget, Creating the State, Accessing the State
- Provider and Consumer, setState, Redux, BLoC/Rx
- Event Stream Controller, Event Sink, Event Stream Counter Bloc Constructor
State REST API Integration
- Introduction to REST API , API Key, API Endpoint
- What is JSON? – Detailed Explanation
- HTTP Package, HTTP Fetch Method
- Deleting Data from API End Point using HTTP Method
- Data Modeling in Flutter, Serialization with JSON, Parse JSON – fromJson, toJson
- Creating List View widget using Data, Converting to Book Model List
Persistence in Flutter
- Data Persistence with SQLite
- Adding Database to the Project, Adding an SQLite Repository
- Using Moor, Read and Write Files
- Store Key Value to Disk, Key Value Data Store
Native Device Features
- Camera Access
- Map Access
- Location Access
- Notification
Misc (More Common)
- Camera, Custom Paint
- Advanced Design, Sensors
- Permission Handling, File IO
- Push Notifications, Mutli-part form requests
- Google Maps, Location
- Swipe to refresh and more
App Publishing
- Creating release builds
- Code Obfuscation, Signing apps
- Performance and other optimization
- Creating developer accounts on App Store and play store
- Publishing apps on play store
Learning Objectives
Material Includes
- All the materials and resources needed for this course will be provided by the instructor
- Basic Programming Knowledge
- Interest in Programming and App Development
Target Audience
- The Flutter Course is for those who are passionate about building beautiful, high-performance apps for iOS, Android, and the web.